Haarlem Herring Party 2023

On Tuesday, June 27, Hollandse Nieuwe provided a festive gathering during the Haarlem Herring Party. Mayor Jos Wienen, Rudolf Winkenius (partner RSM) and Jaap Lampe (chairman of the Supervisory Board of Haarlem Marketing) were the first to bite into the delicious new herring.

The Haarlem Herring Party took place in the beautiful garden of the Provinciehuis and is organized annually by the Haarlem Marketing Foundation and accounting and tax consultancy firm RSM. The high turnout of guests from all kinds of sectors ensured a cozy and energetic atmosphere again this year.

"It is not only the ultimate opportunity to usher in the new herring season, but also a great way to bring Haarlem business owners together before the vacation season begins. An indispensable tradition for many."

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